PERSISTENT WRIST PAIN IN A MATURE GOLFER Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2012 August; 7(4): 425–432.A 66 year-old retired male reported a 10 to 12 week history of left ulnar aspect wrist pain without recollection of a specific event initiating the pain. He noted the symptoms being present only intermittently during golf, specifically upon striking the golf ball. He was unaware of any symptoms during his daily activities otherwise. In an attempt to manage his pain, he taped his wrist or used another form of an external support wrap. On a particular occasion of playing golf in cooler weather, he struck the golf ball for a drive, experiencing a sudden, marked increase of pain. This exacerbation did not quickly subside and he was subsequently unable to continue playing. He began use of an over-the-counter wrist splint and sought care within the military medical system with which he was associated. Hook of hamate pull test and an An axial slice proton density weighted MRI image through the patient's wrist reveals the nondisplaced fracture through the base of the hook of the hamate |